Friday, 18 October 2013

Soccer Stadium

The Stadium!
A CAD of a Soccer stadium. Inspired by UEFA Champions League Stadium. It is 3D printable but you'll need to scale it down. If you are a student, it is a good practice for pattern and using split lines, surfaces etc.. It is for sale.

Data and Dimensions

Full size stadium, 130 m x 90 m field of play, 207 ft. tall...


SolidWorks 2013 Part File                      $50 (PKR 5,000)
IGES/STEP File                                      $90 (PKR 10,000)
STL File                                                $20 (PKR 2,000)
DWG File AutoCAD 2007                        $55 (PKR 5,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2013                        $55 (PKR 5,500)


With White Back Ground, 1366 x 626, 64 Ray Bounces, Maximum Shadow Quality, Ground Illumination, Global Illumination, Self Shadows, Ground Shadows and Ground Reflections.
$2.5 (PKR 250) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) with at least 1 part file.
$10 (PKR 1,000) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) only renders.
Custom Back Ground add $5 per render.

Special discount for students enrolled in degree programs!
20 minute per render using Core i5 750 in turbo mode.
Render 01

Render 02

Render 03
Render 04

Render 05

Render 06

Render 07

Render 08

Render 09

Render 10

Render 11

For purchase or suggest, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or or comment with your contact details and I will contact you!. Thank you for reading!

Do comment and share!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Holidays Collection!

Special 3D Printable CAD models' for Sale for the Holiday Season. They can be a great 3D printed gifts for/from tech enthusiasts, specially for Christmas 2013!
Check the website Three Dimensional Designing and Manufacturing for more details!
First model: Snow Flake Pendant


SolidWorks 2014 Part File                      $40 (PKR 4,000)
IGES/STEP File                                      $90 (PKR 9,000)
STL File                                                $10 (PKR 1,000)
Custom STL File                                  $30 (PKR 3,000)
DWG File AutoCAD 2007                        $25 (PKR 2,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2013                        $15 (PKR 1,500)
Rendering 01
For purchase or suggest, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or or comment with your contact details and I will contact you!. Thank you for reading!
Do comment and share!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

The WebSite

It is for the information to all the readers that we are developing our website. The following link is the preview version hosted at Google.


For now it has only 2 products available. more will be added as hours and days go by.
Please visit and leave suggestions, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or with comment .
Thank you for reading!
Do comment and share!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The Combination

Written for students who just graduated and/or are inducted in a university program, specially mechanical engineering.

Now a days, there are many different electronic products around. All virtually do the same thing and we want then all rather than the need. People waste money on cell phones desktops, then buy laptops, phablets, tablets etc. too, but still aren't satisfied.

The best combination for me is as follows, (w.r.t. CAD)

1. Buy a high end desktop, the foremost advantage of that is you can't carry it everywhere! Specially if you go for camping or a picnic, the point is to enjoy the scenic stuff nature has made for us out there, rather than carry you laptop around and do the same things you do everyday even on the camp (outings make your brain work better!). The technical advantage is that you can perform tasks with ease on a desktop as compared to a laptop. Desktops have more power (wattage), they don't heat up much, while using desktops you usually sit up so you don't develop muscle pains. Desktops have room for upgrades, for at least 4 more years (after launch), while laptops become obsolete more quickly, e.g. you can change the display (monitor) for your desktop even after 10 years of launch and replace it with a higher resolution one! You can connect more peripherals with a desktop as compared to a laptop. CAD software run very well on desktops, like SolidWorks and Key-Shot. Due to the fact that the laptop processors and memory are under clocked, they do not perform well specially while rendering specially on battery power. If you are into PC gaming as well, a high end desktop will serve you loyally for 4 5 years easy in that account as well!! Thus saving the money for consoles and stuff.

2. Then buy a feature phone like the Nokia C2-00, it runs 2 active SIMs at a time and has excellent antenna, expandable memory, Bluetooth, even has a FM radio!

3. For photography buy a dedicated camera, only take out when required. No matter what everybody says, phone camera can never out perform a dedicated camera!

4. To take along with you on business trips, buy a small tablet or mini notebook, with "Viewer" versions of your CAD software installed. It will not make the system lag and it will help you do the job of presenting your designs and ideas perfectly and you wont be carrying a heavy duty/expensive laptop around all the time! And the battery life of mini notebooks and tablets even in many time greater than a high end laptop, you can even leave the charger behind on a one day business trip to a near by city!

Smart Phones are a waste of money for me, why spend thousands of rupees on a phone carry it with you all the time. Instead buy a High End Desktop like, a Feature Phone, a Tablet and a Camera.

For suggestions, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or or comment with your contact details and I will contact you!. Thank you for reading!
Do comment and share!