Friday, 4 October 2013

A Basket

Shopping Basket

A CAD model of basket. It is 3D printable but you'll need to scale it down, or own/have access to a large 3D printer. If you are a student, it is a good practice for curve based pattern. It is for sale.

For environments cause, use these to carry stuff around instead of plastic bags or even paper bags! paper comes directly from wood!

Data and Dimensions

It's 30 in x 15 x in 12 in., storage area is 20 in x 11.5 in x 14.75 in.


SolidWorks 2013 Part File                      $40 (PKR 4,000)
IGES/STEP File                                      $90 (PKR 9,000)
STL File                                                $10 (PKR 1,000)
DWG File AutoCAD 2007                        $25 (PKR 2,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2013                        $15 (PKR 1,500)


With White Back Ground, 1366 x 626, 64 Ray Bounces, Maximum Shadow Quality, Ground Illumination, Global Illumination, Self Shadows, Ground Shadows and Ground Reflections.
$2.5 (PKR 250) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) with at least 1 part file.
$10 (PKR 1,000) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) only renders.
Custom Back Ground add $5 per render.

Special discount for students enrolled in degree programs!
20 minute per render using Core i5 750 in turbo mode.
Render 01

Render 02

Render 03

Render 04
For purchase or suggest, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or or comment with your contact details and I will contact you!. Thank you for reading!
Do comment and share!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Tree Chain

Key Chain

A CAD model of a key chain. It is 3D printable. It is for sale. Its a tree chain :)
The ring is 5 cm in diameter, to be printed separately, the tree is 50 mm by 37.5 mm, to be printed separately as well.

It is for sale.


SolidWorks 2013 Assembly Files              $30 (PKR 3,000)
IGES/STEP Assembly Files                      $70 (PKR 7,000)
STL File                                                $15 (PKR 1,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2007                        $20 (PKR 2,000)
DWG File AutoCAD 2013                        $10 (PKR 1,000)


With White Back Ground, 1366 x 626, 64 Ray Bounces, Maximum Shadow Quality, Ground Illumination, Global Illumination, Self Shadows, Ground Shadows and Ground Reflections.
$2.5 (PKR 250) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) with at least 1 part file.
$10 (PKR 1,000) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) only renders.
Custom Back Ground add $5 per render.
Special discount for students enrolled in degree programs!
20 minute per render using Core i5 750 in turbo mode.
Render 01

Render 02

Render 03
For purchase or suggest, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or or comment with your contact details and I will contact you!. Thank you for reading!
Do comment and share!

Snow Flake Ear Ring


This Product has now been added to The Holidays Collection 2013. visit now! more products on the way!
A CAD model of an ear ring. It can be a great gift for the up coming holiday season! It is 3D printable. An awesome gift for/from tech enthusiasts! It is for sale.

Data and Dimensions

It's 40 mm in diameter and minimum wall thickness is 2 mm.


SolidWorks 2013 Part File                      $40 (PKR 4,000)
IGES/STEP File                                      $90 (PKR 9,000)
STL File                                                $15 (PKR 1,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2007                        $25 (PKR 2,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2013                        $15 (PKR 1,500)


With White Back Ground, 1366 x 626, 64 Ray Bounces, Maximum Shadow Quality, Ground Illumination, Global Illumination, Self Shadows, Ground Shadows and Ground Reflections.
$2.5 (PKR 250) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) with at least 1 part file.
$10 (PKR 1,000) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) only renders.
Custom Back Ground add $5 per render.

Special discount for students enrolled in degree programs!
20 minute per render using Core i5 750 in turbo mode.
Render 01

Render 02
Render 03
Render 04
Render 05

Render 06
For purchase or suggest, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or or comment with your contact details and I will contact you!. Thank you for reading!

Do comment and share!

Cake Candle Holder


A CAD model of a candle holder for cakes, instead of many candles ruining your cake with wax, use this! it can store 7 candles of 0.9 mm diameter each, specially useful too, if there are many digits in you number! It is for sale.

Data and Dimensions

It's 50 mm in diameter and 50 mm in length. Minimum wall thickness is 1 mm.


SolidWorks 2013 Part File                      $50 (PKR 5,000)
IGES/STEP File                                      $90 (PKR 9,000)
STL File                                                $15 (PKR 1,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2007                        $25 (PKR 2,500)
DWG File AutoCAD 2013                        $15 (PKR 1,500)


With White Back Ground, 1366 x 626, 64 Ray Bounces, Maximum Shadow Quality, Ground Illumination, Global Illumination, Self Shadows, Ground Shadows and Ground Reflections.
$2.5 (PKR 250) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) with at least 1 part file.
$10 (PKR 1,000) Each (167 PPI at 9 in Diagonal) only renders.
Custom Back Ground add $5 per render.

Special discount for students enrolled in degree programs!
Render 01

Render 02

Render 03

For purchase or suggest, send an email to , tweet @fadoobaba, PM at or or comment with your contact details and I will contact you!. Thank you for reading!

Do comment and share!