Sunday, 15 January 2017

Bond Graph Representation of the Coaxial Contra-Rotating Propeller

Abstract of my research in to the bond graph modeling for a coaxial contra-rotating propeller is given below.

A system of propellers formed when two propellers rotate about the same axis but in opposite direction is called coaxial contra-rotating propeller (Noriyuki Sasaki, 1998). A well-designed contra-rotating propeller has no rotational air flow, a maximum amount of air is pushed uniformly through the propeller disk resulting in an increase in performance and low induced energy losses. This study focuses on obtaining the system of equations needed to represent a contra-rotating propeller to be designed using seven spur gears mounted on five shafts. This study was completed using a bond graph model with a desire of obtaining a clearer understanding of this multi-domain , nonlinear and nonhomogeneous  system. A bond graph is a graphical representation of a physical dynamic system. The study resulted in a total of thirteen differential equations; needed to represent the system.