I write about Propulsion, Aerodynamics and Renewable Energy (Wind/Hydro Turbines).
Monday, 15 September 2014
Parametric Cycle Analysis of an Ideal Ramjet Engine
Extract from my rejected thesis from my university days. Optimization of Thrust Per Unit Mass Flow of a Jet Engines by Optimizing the Overall Compression Ratio, to design Multi-diameter Inlets, because an inlet works best for a set specific of conditions. Hope it helps you in your scholarly work.
Ramjet engine
Ramjet engine
A ramjet engine is the simplest of all aircraft engines. It consists of
an inlet or a diffuser, a combustor and a nozzle. Air is fed into the diffuser,
it increases the static pressure and temperature of air by slowing it down.
Then the air is fed into the combustor, where it is mixed with fuel and is
ignited, resulting in increased energy. This corresponds to an increased
temperature. The combustion occurs at a constant pressure for sub sonic flows.
The nozzle then expand the gas to ambient pressure, with a decrease in
temperature. This process results in increased in KE for gas.
The formulations for the cycle analysis are as follows.
General Gas Constant, R=((g-1)/ g)*Cp
Velocity of Sound, ao=(1000*g*R*To).^(1/2)
Total to Static Temperature Ratio, tr=1+(((g-1)/2)*(Mo.^2))
Burner Exit Enthalpy to Ambient Enthalpy Ratio, tl=Tt4/To
Velocity Ratio, v9/ao=Mo*((tl/tr).^(1/2))
Thrust per Air Flow, F/mo=ao*((v9/ao)-Mo)
Fuel Air Ratio, f=((Cp*To)/hPR)*( tl-tr)
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption, S=f/(F/mo)
Thermal Efficiency, hT=1-(1/tr)
Propulsive Efficiency, hP=2/(((tl/tr).^(1/2))+1)
Overall Efficiency hO=hT*hP
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow, tr (maxFmo)=t l.^(1/3)
Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow , Mo (maxFmo)=((2/(g-1))*( tr (maxFmo)-1)).^(1/2)
Temperature at Station Tto (after Compression), Tto=tr*To
Nozzle Exhaust Temperature, T9=To*(tl/tr)
Total to Static Temperature Ratio, tr=1+(((g-1)/2)*(Mo.^2))
Burner Exit Enthalpy to Ambient Enthalpy Ratio, tl=Tt4/To
Velocity Ratio, v9/ao=Mo*((tl/tr).^(1/2))
Thrust per Air Flow, F/mo=ao*((v9/ao)-Mo)
Fuel Air Ratio, f=((Cp*To)/hPR)*( tl-tr)
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption, S=f/(F/mo)
Thermal Efficiency, hT=1-(1/tr)
Propulsive Efficiency, hP=2/(((tl/tr).^(1/2))+1)
Overall Efficiency hO=hT*hP
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow, tr (maxFmo)=t l.^(1/3)
Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow , Mo (maxFmo)=((2/(g-1))*( tr (maxFmo)-1)).^(1/2)
Temperature at Station Tto (after Compression), Tto=tr*To
Nozzle Exhaust Temperature, T9=To*(tl/tr)
By using these equations, and by entering the following inputs:
For Mach Number of Flight= 1
To= 216.7 K, g=
1.4, Cp= 1.004 KJ/(Kg.K), Tt4= 1,600 K, Mo= 1,
hPR= 42,800 KJ/Kg
We get the Following Results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station T0, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tto and Tt2, 260.04 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 1,600 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1,333.33 K
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station T0, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tto and Tt2, 260.04 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 1,600 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1,333.33 K
Diagram generated from MATLAB
Results Based on the Data Entered
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.2
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 7.38348
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 2.4805
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 436.753 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0314327
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 71.9691 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 16.6667 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 57.4629 %
Overall Efficiency= 9.57716 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 1.94724
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.17629
For all the same values as above, except Tt4= 1,900 K, we get these results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 260.04 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 1,900 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1,583.33 K
Diagram from MATLAB
Results Based on the Data Entered
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.2
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 8.76788
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 2.70307
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 502.41 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0384701
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 76.5712 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 16.6667 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 54.0093 %
Overall Efficiency= 9.00155 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.06205
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.30439
For all the same values as above, except Tt4= 2,200 K, we get these results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 260.04 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 2,200 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1,833.33 K
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.2
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 8.76788
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 2.70307
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 502.41 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0384701
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 76.5712 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 16.6667 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 54.0093 %
Overall Efficiency= 9.00155 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.06205
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.30439
For all the same values as above, except Tt4= 2,200 K, we get these results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 260.04 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 2,200 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1,833.33 K
Diagram from MATLAB
Results Based on the Data Entered
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.2
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 10.1523
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 2.90865
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 563.057 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0455075
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 80.8222 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 16.6667 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 51.1686 %
Overall Efficiency= 8.5281 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.16532
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.41383
For Mach Number of Flight= 2
By using these equations, and by entering the following inputs:
To= 216.7 K, g= 1.4, Cp= 1.004 KJ/(Kg.K), Tt4= 1,600 K, Mo= 2, hPR= 42,800 KJ/Kg
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 390.06 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 1600 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 888.889 K
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.2
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 10.1523
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 2.90865
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 563.057 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0455075
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 80.8222 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 16.6667 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 51.1686 %
Overall Efficiency= 8.5281 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.16532
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.41383
For Mach Number of Flight= 2
By using these equations, and by entering the following inputs:
To= 216.7 K, g= 1.4, Cp= 1.004 KJ/(Kg.K), Tt4= 1,600 K, Mo= 2, hPR= 42,800 KJ/Kg
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 390.06 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 1600 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 888.889 K
Diagram from MATLAB
Results Based on the Data Entered
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.8
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 7.38348
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 4.05065
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 604.947 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0283827
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 46.9177 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 44.4444 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 66.1086 %
Overall Efficiency= 29.3816 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 1.94724
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.17629
For all the same values as above, except Tt4= 1,900 K, we get these results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 390.06 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 1900 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1055.56 K
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.8
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 7.38348
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 4.05065
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 604.947 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0283827
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 46.9177 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 44.4444 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 66.1086 %
Overall Efficiency= 29.3816 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 1.94724
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.17629
For all the same values as above, except Tt4= 1,900 K, we get these results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 390.06 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 1900 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1055.56 K
Diagram from MATLAB
Results Based on the Data Entered
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.8
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 8.76788
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 4.41409
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 712.163 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0354201
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 49.7359 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 44.4444 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 62.3627 %
Overall Efficiency= 27.7168 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.06205
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.30439
For all the same values as above, except Tt4= 2,200 K, we get these results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 390.06 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 2200 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1222.22 K
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.8
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 8.76788
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 4.41409
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 712.163 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0354201
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 49.7359 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 44.4444 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 62.3627 %
Overall Efficiency= 27.7168 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.06205
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.30439
For all the same values as above, except Tt4= 2,200 K, we get these results:
Station Temperatures for T-S Diagram
Ambient Temperature, Station To, 216.7 K
Temperature after Compression, Station Tt0 and Tt2, 390.06 K
Temperature at Nozzle Entry, Station Tt4, 2200 K
Temperature at Nozzle Exit, Station T9, 1222.22 K
Diagram from MATLAB
Results Based on the Data Entered
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.8
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 10.1523
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 4.7498
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 811.2 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0424575
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 52.3391 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 44.4444 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 59.261 %
Overall Efficiency= 26.3382 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.16532
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.41383
By looking at the results, we find the following results.
1. The performance of any ramjet engine relies heavily on the stagnation temperature increase across the burner.
2. To have efficient compression of the air, the ramjet requires high flight speeds.
3. For ramjets, the static thrust is zero, they must be moving to develop thrust.
T-s diagrams available here, some how not showing here.
General Gas Constant= 0.286857 KJ/(Kg.K)
Velocity of Sound= 295.003 m/s
Total to Static Temperature Ratio= 1.8
Burner Exit Temperature to Ambient Temperature Ratio= 10.1523
Gas Exit Velocity to Velocity of Sound Ratio= 4.7498
Thrust per Unit Airflow= 811.2 N/(Kg/s)
Fuel to Air Ratio= 0.0424575
Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption= 52.3391 (mg/s)/N
Thermal Efficiency= 44.4444 %
Propulsive Efficiency= 59.261 %
Overall Efficiency= 26.3382 %
For Optimum Mach Number of Flight
Total to Static Temperature Ratio for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.16532
Optimum Mach Number of Flight for Maximum Thrust per Air Flow= 2.41383
By looking at the results, we find the following results.
1. The performance of any ramjet engine relies heavily on the stagnation temperature increase across the burner.
2. To have efficient compression of the air, the ramjet requires high flight speeds.
3. For ramjets, the static thrust is zero, they must be moving to develop thrust.
T-s diagrams available here, some how not showing here.
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